Our Story

As parents, many questions circulate in our minds about public schools today. Will my child receive a quality education? Are they taught how to think or what to think? Does the school have a political agenda? Will my kid be safe? It doesn't help that when our little ones get in the car after school, and we ask, "What did you learn today?" their tried-and-true response is, "I don't know." So, the question remains. What did they learn today? We will never truly know the answer unless we sit in the classroom with them all day, every day.  


Our Mission

As parents, we understand the importance of knowing what our children learn. That's why at Little Lion History, we are dedicated to bringing quality education to your home, with a focus on the most critical subject: history. Our books introduce basic historical facts to pre-K and kindergarten children, laying a foundation of historical knowledge they can build on. By learning from our past mistakes and successes, your child can become a Lion and Leader, ready to protect our country from repeating past errors and continue building on previous successes. With Little Lion History books, you can be confident in knowing what your child is learning.

Meet The Founder

Hello there, I'm Brenda Burnacci, and for me, history is like food without salt, bland, and people only eat it if they have to. As a Mom, I have a vision to homeschool both of my kids, and with that in mind, I was inspired to add some salt to history. After reading countless bedtime stories, I discovered what books kept my children engaged and which books they closed before I finished the first sentence. Books with rhymes and interactive pages always made it to the end, which are two key elements my books had to have. In a time when sending your child out into the world has become more terrifying and uncertain, I was driven to bring quality education home. Over and over again, I have heard the phrase history repeats itself, and I always questioned why we weren't learning from our past. This ignited the idea to introduce history early in a simple way to set a foundation of knowledge children can later build on. Creating a curiosity about the world before us. After all, salt is my favorite ingredient. 

Kids can learn beyond what they are given credit for (1).svg__PID:93699970-4815-49d8-803e-ca9a7ee042c0

Meet The Founder

Hello there, I'm Brenda Burnacci, and for me, history is like food without salt, bland, and people only eat it if they have to. As a Mom, I have a vision to homeschool both of my kids, and with that in mind, I was inspired to add some salt to history. After reading countless bedtime stories, I discovered what books kept my children engaged and which books they closed before I finished the first sentence. Books with rhymes and interactive pages always made it to the end, which are two key elements my books had to have. In a time when sending your child out into the world has become more terrifying and uncertain, I was driven to bring quality education home. Over and over again, I have heard the phrase history repeats itself, and I always questioned why we weren't learning from our past. This ignited the idea to introduce history early in a simple way to set a foundation of knowledge children can later build on. Creating a curiosity about the world before us. After all, salt is my favorite ingredient.