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8 Activities for learning family history (YouTube Thumbnail) (12).png__PID:dd9e1deb-f324-4e2a-967a-6917855053d3


Activity 1. Who Invented the Light Bulb?

Let's shed some light on the genius of Thomas Edison! Grab your little one and tell them the story of how this bright mind invented the light bulb. 

Download our packet below for fun worksheets to do with your kids!

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Activity 2. What's the Buzz about the Telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell is the man behind the telephone. Get your little one buzzing with excitement by playing a game of "Telephone" where they pass a message along a line. They'll be amazed at how sound travels just like magic!

Download our packet below for fun worksheets to do with your kids!

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Activity 1. Can You Hear Me Now? The Radio!

Explain to your little one how Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio. To make it more interactive, have them create their own "radio show" using paper cups and string. They'll have a blast broadcasting their voices to each other!

Download our packet below for fun worksheets to do with your kids!

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Activity 2. How Did the Airplane Take Flight?

The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, were the brains behind the first successful airplane. Encourage your kiddo to make paper airplanes and have a friendly competition to see whose plane can fly the farthest. The sky's the limit!

Download our packet below for fun worksheets to do with your kids!

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Activity 1. Who Invented the Computer?

Introduce your little one to Charles Babbage, the father of the computer. Show them pictures of the first computers, then let them explore some modern-day gadgets. They'll be amazed at how far technology has come!

Download our packet below for fun worksheets to do with your kids!

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Activity 2. What's the Story Behind the Steam Engine?

Tell the tale of Thomas Newcomen and James Watt, the inventors of the steam engine. Grab a toy train and explain how steam power made it possible. Choo-choo! All aboard the learning express!

Download our packet below for fun worksheets to do with your kids!

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Activity 1. How Did the Printing Press Revolutionize Communication?

Teach the kids about Johannes Gutenberg and his invention of the printing press. Have them create their own mini newspapers using stamps or stencils. They'll be little journalists in no time!

Download our packet below for fun worksheets to do with your kids!

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Activity 2. Who Invented the Camera?

Share the story of George Eastman and his invention of the camera. Grab a disposable camera and let your little one take pictures of their favorite things. They'll capture memories and have a blast!

Download our packet below for fun worksheets to do with your kids!

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