Civics and Government

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Unit 5 Overview

Supplies Needed

• Scissors
• Glue/Tape
• Box

Learning Objective

• Identify state and national government roles in serving the community.
• Describe the roles of the three branches in creating and enforcing laws.
• Recognize the contributions of community helpers and leaders to community well-being.

New Concepts Taught

Lesson 1: Introduction to Government – Practice making choices as a group.

Activity: My Family Election Activity

Lesson 2: Exploring State Government - Learn about state government and its larger responsibilities.

Activity: Three Branches Bingo

Lesson 3: Community Helpers - Understand the role of community helpers and how they contribute to the well-being and safety of the community.

Activity: Community Helper Worksheets

Lesson 4: National Government Refresher – Recall the three branches of the national government and understand how each branch plays a unique role in making and upholding laws for the country.

Activity: Government Tree

Introduction to Government

Untitled design - 2024-11-07T192419.120.png__PID:493ab63a-bf58-4b68-bbb1-6e1f8a42e494Lesson 1

Exploring State Government

Untitled design - 2024-11-07T192501.146.png__PID:7e493ab6-3abf-483b-a8fb-b16e1f8a42e4Lesson 2

Community Helpers

Untitled design - 2024-11-07T192549.877.png__PID:537e493a-b63a-4f58-bb68-fbb16e1f8a42Lesson 3

National Government Refresher

Untitled design - 2024-11-07T192625.522.png__PID:c7537e49-3ab6-4abf-983b-68fbb16e1f8aLesson 4
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You’ve just completed your fifth stop on the journey and earned your next Little Lion History badge! 🦁 Celebrate all the new things you’ve learned—now make sure to glue your badge onto your map as a reminder of your incredible progress. Keep going, brave explorer, and see what exciting adventures in history await you next!