Have you ever looked at something and said I can just make that myself for cheaper? Then, $200 in material later and several hours into the project, you realize I should have just bought it. I’ll be honest: after creating my first book, I went a little wild. I then had the idea that I could create videos, also! With very little experience, money, or time, somehow, I was going to pull it off. Yeah, that dream quickly faded. Since hand-crafting a video for every topic I want to teach my kids isn’t currently an option, I turned to the wonderful world of YouTube. Just like how there is an app for everything YouTube’s catchphrase should be “There’s a video for that.” After hours of searching, I compiled my favorite kid's videos to introduce history with a touch of geography and government sprinkled in.
As we have read various history books, we have encountered discussions about different places, so I wanted to start introducing different parts of the world to my kids. I found this fun song about the seven continents, and both my 3- and 5-year-old love singing this! Also, I added this song about the States. It’s a throwback from when I was a kid and brings back elementary school memories. But it’s a fun way to learn about all 50 States in America.
Seven Continents Song (youtube.com)
Fifty Nifty United States with Lyrics (youtube.com)
History also discusses different Presidents, but what is a President? These two videos are perfect for introducing a little bit of government.
3 Branches of Government | Kids Educational Video | Kids Academy (youtube.com)
President of United States Job | Candidates and Responsibility | Kids Academy (youtube.com)
These videos are a fun introduction to common presidents referred to in history. The first one is just a cute song, whereas the rest dive a little deeper.
President Washington and President Lincoln - The Kiboomers Preschool Patriotic Songs (youtube.com)
George Washington: The Father of Our Country (youtube.com)
Abraham Lincoln: The President Who Saved the Union (youtube.com)
4 Wix Studio features you gotta know (youtube.com) (John Adams and Thomas Jeffereson)
United States History-
A few key moments in United States history to jumpstart your historical journey with your kiddo! Don’t miss our free printable activities you can do after these videos.
13 American Colonies | US History | Kids Academy (youtube.com)
Lewis & Clark: Explorers of the American Frontier (youtube.com)
Louisiana Purchase: 10 Key Questions Answered (3:48) - YouTube
Leo & Layla's History Adventures with Frederick Douglass | Kids Shows (youtube.com)
Christopher Columbus: Explorer of the New World (youtube.com)
Otto's Tales: Let's Visit the Liberty Bell | PragerU Kids (youtube.com)
My kids love to sing, and these three songs about America are perfect!
Star Spangled Banner Video - THE KIBOOMERS Preschool Songs for Patriotic Holidays (youtube.com)
America the Beautiful Lyric Video - The Kiboomers Preschool Songs & Nursery Rhymes (youtube.com)
A big shout out to the creators of these videos, which make it easier for homeschool families to introduce history to their little ones.
PragerU Kids
Kids Academy
The Kiboomers
Jennifer Quinones
This is my “I’ll just buy it” moment. Instead of trying to make miracles happen by creating all my own videos, I’ll just lean on the amazing artists that are already out there. I hope you and your family enjoy these videos like we do. Let me know if you have used these videos with your kiddos at home or if you know of any other good ones!